Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Some Notes on CAQDAS

I am writing some notes for myself after reading through Lewins and Silver's article on CAQDAS package. These are by and large what I will be focusing on in the class.

1. The graphic visualisation of connections and processes using mapping tools (p.2): I am looking forward to discovering how it is similar to/differenet from the drawing tool in MS-Word (which I am most familiar with);
2. Variables structure of coding (on the left down of the window print-screen [on p.34 down]): this makes a lengthy textual input so much clearer;

Also, I have some questions:
1. Can I save the document into .txt so that I can continue the work in the library (where it may not have the CAQDAS built-in)? or I really need to have a copy of CAQDAS in order to process my qualitative data...
2. Searching and interrogating the database in QDA Miner 1.3. (p.36-38) is not that clear to me, and I want to know how the database will work for me, and why it can be user-friendly in the data processing.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lucy,
    I will try to answer your questions.
    1) You can export the document as a text and continue to work without the software, but you will need the software if you want to continue to code.
    2) I'm not familiar with QDA Miner, but if you go to this website there is a free trial download and a "support" tab that might help.
